This Time, It’s Personal: Kevin Young Hacks His Apple Watch


This Time, It’s Personal

Kevin Young Hacks His Apple Watch

March 26, 2016
by Ken Gordon
app watch hero

When a Continuum employee faces a design challenge in his or her personal life, what happens? He or she charges full force into prototyping and problem-solving, just as if it were a client project, to find the right solution! That’s precisely what happened when Kevin Young, Senior Vice President of Product Experience, bought an Apple Watch and it didn’t exactly fit his needs. In a recent TechCrunch piece, Young sketches out, in compelling and illustrated detail, how he hacked the Apple Watch. It’s a terrific example of how personally we approach design. If you want to know how seriously we take our work, or to learn a new way to wear an Apple Watch, just click here.

filed in: prototyping

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